There is something that we all have, but we never have enough of.
It is TIME.
The Artist Diana Dimova – TRAXI has prepared an Art-Project that will guide us through everyday life and help us spend more time for ourselves.
She invites us on a 10-day adventure related to Art, where she gently and lovingly shares her inspiration with the participants.
People live more and more in a hurry and the Artist offers a new form of contact with Art.
What is happening?
During 10 days, you will receive one letter in your e-mail, in which there is something useful, something beautiful, and something curious. Reading time no more than 5 minutes.
In every letter, there is a lot of Love and a daily dose of Inspiration!
Each letter helps you to take time for yourself, notice the Beautiful things and feel your Life is Wonderful.
The Art Project consists of 30 authors’ paintings, which with the help of colors explore the issues of Life, Time, Love, Beauty, and Freedom.
Many artworks with prizes from international competitions. The paintings are bright, warm, and overflowing with Love for Life.
The artist shares:
“In my work, I bow to Live!
My paintings are born from small pieces of Movement, Light, and Love.
My creative searches are for the PERFECT MOMENT,
Here and now: LIFE IS WONDERFUL! “
Participation in the Art-Adventure is completely free and for each participant, there is a prize in 11 letters.
The letters are light, pleasant, beautiful, and inspiring.