Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Art Project Life is Wonderful!
ART PROJECT Life is Wonderful!


Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

Life is a Chaos of feelings, emotions, and events. The events are happening one after the other. How to learn to deal with this process and love the Chaos in its Beauty. I will help you with my Art Project "Life is Wonderful!" I am Diana Dimova-TRAXI In this Art Project, I explore Time.

Are you short of time... Are you one of those people who never gets bored? We get the most precious Life, but it is nothing without Time. How to live every moment to the fullest, how not to miss a minute of the little time we are allotted ...? An Answer to these questions gives us Art Project "LIFE IS WONDERFUL!"


I am Diana Dimova - TRAXI In my work, I bow to Life! My paintings are born from small pieces of Movement, Light and Love merged in one perfect moment. My creative searches are for the here and now, for what we have and give, for the perfect moment, built from tiny particles of Movement and Light. Here and now Life is Wonderful!

The project of 30 Paintings , divided into 10 parts:

1.Steal your time 2.Like fire and water 3. Scatter the clouds 4.Collect the pieces 5.Feel the Aromats 6.Feel with your heart 7.Stand up for yourself 8.Dream at will 9.New Beginning 10.Love Life

ART PROJECT Life is Wonderful!


STEAL YOUR TIME You eat the frog for breakfast - this is what Mark Twain advised Or in our case: Review the tasks for the day! Choose the most difficult and unpleasant of them and solve it first! That way, the rest of the day will be better and you can't put off the unpleasant task to torment you tomorrow! After completion, you are entitled to a reward, namely a little time for yourself...

Art Project "Life is Wonderful" by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Art Project "Life is Wonderful" by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

These are two colorful abstract canvases, which for me represent happiness! In them there is Movement, there is Light and Freedom spills over the canvases, and bright and warm colors bring only delight Look at them! Take a look in detail! Now close your eyes and feel your association! Did you feel wonderful? An interesting fact is that warm and bright colors combined with the cold blue color make people feel happy Did you feel it?

Diana Dimova-TRAXI Special Award BLACK PURPLE International Art Competition

Diana Dimova-TRAXI

Abstract Nirvana, Happiness, Enjoyment, Portrait of Woman, Beach,Sun, Summer

This painting is Nirvana!
This is a portrait of Summer!
The feeling of boundless happiness that it brings us.
The colors shine like the Sun.
Saturated, ripe, juicy, bright … portrait of a woman, filled with happiness!

Buy this painting and it will brighten up your room!
It will bring Nirvana to your office!

The feeling of boundless happiness that you can experience only on a summer, sunny day!
Save it for the Winter!


Art Project "Life is Wonderful" by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

Abstract painting Summer flowers Summer the Happinest time … This painting brings Summmer mood…Life is Wonderful!

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI


LIKE FIRE AND WATER An interesting fact is that Fire and Water – these two elements are what create and what can destroy life! There are many fires and floods known in history, but let's not forget that it was in the Water that Life originated and cannot exist without it, namely because we have known Fire now we are the people we are!

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

Two abstract lanes related to Fire. Paintings are painted simultaneously, spontaneously, in one breath! The feeling of the combination of Colors is like Passion, Fire, Freedom And here in connection with time – choose the tasks that excite you and do them with pleasure and passion! This way you will have a good time!

Two Abstract paintings from the Project dedicated to the lightness and magic of Water They are painted separately, slowly and precisely... One of them won : Bronze Award Camelback Gallery's Abstracts with Blue 2022 International Juried Visual Arts Competition Did you feel peace and strength? They will help you feel light and free!

And this is how, with the help of Fire and Water, man manages to feel alive and happy Did you feel it? If during the working day you feel the need for the Passion of Fire or the Lightness of Water then close your eyes and remember the feeling! Everything will become a little easier and more beautiful!

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI


SCATTER THE CLOUDS Today we will try to find the things that hinder us in our work and everyday life and like dark Clouds overshadow our inner Sun! These are colleagues at work with whom it is not pleasant to communicate, the frowning shopkeeper, the ever-noisy neighbor. It's time to scatter these clouds! Stop paying attention to the annoying people around you and instead of getting angry, face the trouble with a Smile! Look at the Painting! Dark clouds can turn pink! Your life is smiling – smile at it and you in response! And suddenly you will realize that in fact the Black Clouds are scattering and your Sun is rising! Life is Wonderful! An interesting fact that we all know is that clouds are actually just gaseous water.

-2022 Diana Dimova –TRAXI Finalist Award in GLOBAL PAINTING CONCLAVE’s exhibition Nature Painting October 2022

Painting won: HONORABLE MENTION AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition "5th LANDSCAPE 2022

Painting won: Diana Dimova –TRAXI Finalist Award in GLOBAL PAINTING CONCLAVE’s exhibition Nature Painting October 2022

Diana Dimova –TRAXI Finalist Award in GLOBAL PAINTING CONCLAVE’s exhibition Nature Painting October 2022
Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

The sun caresses the hair … Life is wonderful! This is a Wonderful , Summer mood.It may become your everyday mood if you have it in your home. GIVE YOUR SMILE TO THE WORLD! I love to draw sensations, movements, feelings … they carry the unique – Life is wonderful!


COLLECT THE PIECES Sometimes the day seems long and exhausting. You work tirelessly and it never seems to end! Stop and look at things from a different angle. Instead of writing letters and messages, just call and hear a lively voice against you. So each task can be solved much easier and more pleasant! And you will save time in which you can see paintings from Art – My project "Life is Wonderful!

"Diptych of Love Relationship" This is a Painting of two lanes and they can be arranged differently relative to each other! There are different combinations that can be interpreted as love, hate, understanding or up with the feet... My favorite way is to love each other. An interesting fact about live communication is that a person feels things much more strongly than if you read them. Enzymes and hormones intervene and the pieces collect ...

Depending on the arrangement of the two parts in relation to each other, one can guess what the relations are in the relationship.
Depending on the arrangement of the two parts in relation to each other, one can guess what the relations are in the relationship.
Three connected Autumn paintings by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Three connected Autumn paintings by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
Three connected Autumn paintings by Diana Dimova-TRAXI



FEEL THE AROMATS I guess each of you has a plan – for a day, for a week, for a month, for a year or more! To Make Your Life Wonderful Before You Plan Your Tasks Plan your Holiday first! Whether it's a holiday in the Maldives, a day in the Mountains, or a coffee with pleasant company – the Holiday is what helps us cope with everyday life. Close your eyes and feel the Aroma of Sea, grass, coffee ... Keep the memory of this fragrance throughout the day! Your day will pass pleasantly and imperceptibly! In my paintings, the fragrances are Rose and Lavender. The unique French artist Henri Matisse said: "To paint a Rose, you must forget all the Roses." This was my inspiration in painting the "Fragrance". In paintings, there is no form, only movement and colors ... Did you smell the Aromats? They are painted in a state of pleasure. Gentle, lively, exquisite, colorful. An interesting fact is that the flowers speak. More precisely, there is a whole science of what it means when a person gives you a flower, It also depends on the color. A red Rose means Love! People can remember Aromats. Remember the pleasant Aromas!

The aroma of Lavender from Bulgarian fields …it is Magic… This Painting carries Fragrance and Power. It is good to be presented alone on a wall in a quiet and spacious room and anyone who looks at it will feel the Aroma of Lavender in the room … The painting won HONORABLE MENTION AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition “7th ABSTRACT.” International Juried Art Competition NOVEMBER 2022

The painting won HONORABLE MENTION AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition “7th ABSTRACT.” International Juried Art Competition NOVEMBER 2022
Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

“To draw a Rose, you must first forget all the Roses …” Henri Matisse In the Painting only the feeling of the Aroma is conveyed, there is no form, only Movement … The painting is part of the collection „Life is Wonderful!“… If you order the painting, you will receive it securely packaged and with a “Certificate of Authenticity” signed by the Author. The painting won FINALIST AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition “4th FLOWER.”

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

Sometimes I dream … the beautiful Flowers in the field, the feeling of Freedom, and the caress of the Wind … The painting is suitable as a gift or for the place where you dream .. There are used gold fragments that shine under lighting.


FEEL WITH YOUR HEART We all know that the heart is just a very important muscle that contracts and relaxes and helps the movement of blood in the body. Yet no one would dispute that the Heart and the Brain are actually the two organs that We hear, and while the Brain leads us into the rational, our Soul is guided by the Heart. Art is Love and can be analyzed as much as you want from the Brain, but if you do not feel it with your Heart, it will not touch your Soul.

-2022 Diana Dimova-TRAXI FINALIST AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition "6th OPEN."

My heart feels Nature This is the theme in the Painting "Listen to the Music of Flowers" If you listen to your Heart, you may hear it. To make the work day more pleasant and easy, give your Heart something pleasant – for example, a photo of a favorite place or a loved one at your desk, a beautiful landscape on the computer screen, a Painting on the wall in the office ... Feel the Love and Beauty with your Heart and they will be with you throughout the day!


Painting WON : -2022 Diana Dimova-TRAXI FINALIST AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition “6th OPEN.”

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

Acrylic painting Woman and Nature Listen to the Мusic of Flowers Blue painting ,Big Landscape

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

Dew in the morning, the Sun caresses with a pink caress .. A feeling of freshness, beauty, and a new day … The Dandelions are waking up …. When Nature speaks to you and shows you the way … Life is Wonderful!


STAND UP FOR YOURSELF Sometimes a person gets lost in tasks and problems and forgets what makes him the person he is. To be Yourself, it is important to arrange your partnerships! Clean and tidy workplace-Accurate and clear relationships! This always helps to solve problems, cope with difficulties, and find time to be with yourself! When I painted my painting "The Face of 2022" imperceptibly for me came the theme of Peace and War. The painting is inspired by the events in the World in 2022. The World is frozen like a game of chess and everyone is playing with the pieces they have... What will be the next move? In the face of my 2022, the White Queen is on the move, which symbolizes Peace. This is my message to everyone who plays this game. It's time for PIECE to win! This is a Painting in which I stand up for myself. Interestingly, there are People who don't respect you if you treat them kindly. They are only respectful if you are rude and arrogant! Do you know such people? How do you stand up for yourself in front of them?

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI
2023 Diana Dimova-TRAXI won the HONORABLE MENTION AWARD in the "5th FIGURATIVE" art competition along with other distinguished artists ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY

Painting won: 2023 Diana Dimova-TRAXI won the HONORABLE MENTION AWARD in the "5th FIGURATIVE" art competition along with other distinguished artists ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY


Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

DREAM AT WILL Today I want to remind you of Childhood! The time when everything was possible! Driving a plastic car, building a Castle, searching for treasure in grandma's yard, flying on the rink. An interesting fact is that as we get older and "smarter" we actually forget that we can! But it is! You can do anything you agree to fight for! You can learn a foreign language, build a house, and make your dreams come true! DREAM AT WILL! Set yourself high and difficult goals! When you achieve them, you will get satisfaction and thirst for Life!

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

This Colorful Abstract Painting with Horses recreates the feeling of Freedom in the last days of Summer … the expected Winter and the Desire to steal some more from the Sun and Freedom. Do You love Summer ? I do! The painting would colored any room, it could be hung with different frames or without a frame at all – it has painted edges.

Dreams and daydreams about the Sea, Water and Freedom…erotic dreams in gold and blue… Dream of the Sea, see a Mermaid, Flashes of Gold and Blue, splashes of sea foam… This painting brings a feeling of freshness and eroticism. It is suitable as a gift for a Sea Captain. It would also look great in an office of a marine company or a massage parlor. I like to draw sensations, movements, feelings… they bring the unique – Life is Wonderful!

I wish you to dream! I wish you to make your dreams come true! I wish you happiness! It is an interesting fact that Dreamers live longer

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

To discover a new and unknown World – it is possible! A World quite different from the one you live in – it is possible! The World under the Water! Give yourself this Underwater Adventure! Incredible Emotions, Wonderful Colors, Silence, and Freedom!


Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

NEW BEGINNING When the World was born, Elements raged . When a person wants to change his habits, he needs a New Beginning! Life began in Water. The Sun was also important. And then the Blood! And here is the Painting from the project "New Beginning" . It is about Life, Water, Sun, Blood, and... Freedom! Leave all worries behind and feel Freedom! Give yourself a New Beginning! Close your eyes and imagine it! Art can only show you the Way, but you have to walk it Yourself! Make time for the small and necessary things in your life by pushing aside everything irritating and unnecessary! Start Again, because here and now: Life is WONDERFUL! An interesting fact is that starting something new a person has more energy and zeal, this makes the body produce more hormones and thus supports Health!

Abstract Landscape Stars in the Grass Blue Twinkling lights in the Grass… The Painting is inspired by the Night, by the Beauty of the lights in Nature at Night, by the reflections of the Stars in the wet Grass. Silver pigments are used, which glow when illuminated. Blue Abstract. All elements intertwine in a rhapsody of lights and shadows, which creates the feeling of movement and life. The Painting would enliven any room, it could be hung with different frames or without a frame at all – it has painted edges. The Painting brings a feeling of Freedom and airiness that only Nature can give.

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI


Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

LOVE LIFE! How to do it ? Start noticing the little Signs, find something to Love, and do it! Doing pleasant and favorite things makes Life Wonderful! This is a Painting inspired by the Sun! It is our fire that gives us Life. The colors are Red, Yellow, and Orange. The Mood is Sunny. Life is Wonderful! This painting brings Light to even the darkest room. It brings the Sun into your home. It could light up your life. There is nothing more beautiful and desirable than the Sun! -2022 Diana Dimova-TRAXI FINALIST AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition “4th COLOR.”

2022 Diana Dimova-TRAXI FINALIST AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition “4th COLOR.”
Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

We need “Rose-tinted Glasses” Put them on and see – Life is Wonderiful! This fun Print can bring a lot of joy as a gift or Transform any boring room…Put on your rose-colored glasses and happiness will smile at you!

An interesting fact is that Happiness is different for everyone – someone is happy to have Money, someone else Love, third Knowledge, and Success! Be happy on your way! Love your life!

Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

Even if the World disappears, a part of us will remain, and there will be Beauty – there will always be TOMORROW!

It's time to split up, but you already know how: Make time for yourself every day. Notice beautiful things that used to elude you. - To feel your life Wonderful!

Summer Bliss: Wearable Art Inspired by 'Life is Wonderful' Art Project"
Aroma of Lavender Weekender Bag: Your Perfect Travel Companion
Summer Bliss: Wearable Art Inspired by ‘Life is Wonderful’ Art Project”

Experience the magic of art in your wardrobe with our new summer collection inspired by the ‘Life is Beautiful’ Art Project. The collection features a vibrant range of beachwear, summer dresses, t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops, all adorned with prints from my award-winning paintings.
These unique pieces are perfect for those who want to make a statement and stand out from the crowd. Each print captures the essence of summer, fun, and happiness, radiating positive vibes and a carefree attitude. The colors are bold, bright, and full of life, evoking the feeling of warmth and sunshine.
We understand the importance of being environmentally conscious, so we have made sure that all our garments are made from sustainable materials. The fabric is soft and comfortable, perfect for the hot summer days. Our collection is designed to make you feel beautiful, confident, and free-spirited.
The ‘Life is Beautiful’ Art Project has won several awards in world art competitions, making this collection truly unique and one of a kind. By wearing our garments, you not only support art, but you also become part of a movement that celebrates life, joy, and positivity.
Whether you are relaxing on the beach, attending a summer party, or just strolling through the city, our collection has something for everyone. Embrace the beauty of art and make a fashion statement this summer with our ‘Summer Bliss’ collection.
Summer fashion collection, Art-inspired fashion, Art print clothing, Beachwear and swimwear, Bright and vibrant colors, Unique and boutique, Wearable art, Art-inspired beachwear, Art-inspired bags and totes, Art-inspired dresses, Designer swimwear, Artist-designed fashion, Art-inspired t-shirts, Art-inspired shorts, Art-inspired flip-flops, Art-inspired sandals, Art-inspired accessories, Fun and playful prints, Hand-painted fashion, Limited edition fashion

If you still need my Love sometimes


Art Project “Life is Wonderful” by Diana Dimova-TRAXI

I want to express my great gratitude to you, that you participated in the Art Project "Life is Wonderful!" I hope you found it helpful and enjoyable!