ORIGINAL PAINTINGSORIGINAL AUTHOR‘S PAINTINGS Buying an original work of Art is like Love – The feeling is Real! It starts with falling in love, wants commitment, and brings happiness for life! Life is Wonderful!
DIGITALDIGITAL The fastest way to have a painting on your wall. Buy, download, print, and you’re done! You forgot a friend’s birthday – no big deal – there is Digital… Life is wonderful!
WALL ART PRINTSWALL ART PRINT Buying an original is difficult and expensive, but having a bear painting on your wall is easy and affordable – buy a Print! Life is Wonderful!
HOME DECORDESIGN FOR HOME Do you have Art in your blood? Dress up your home in Art and live Happily! Life is Wonderful!
ART FASHIONART FASHION Can Art enter the wardrobe? Why not – just look and choose … Life is Wonderful!
I recently received the following comment on a photo from @Mariya Dimova
_I’m curious if all your works are in this style?
I answered that I have 5 different Art-Projects
_I will be interested to see them
In fact, although I often show my works, perhaps few people associate them with the Art-Projects.
So today I will show you a small part of each project to get a clearer idea:
1.) Art-Project “Dreams” – these are a series of oil paintings united by the theme of Dreams and Dreams. These are one of my earliest works. The idea of developing the Art-Project is a joint book with poetry by @Elena Findzhikova and Home Decor Collection.
2.) Art-Project “Scattered Thoughts”. These are pictures telling about the Power of Freedom! They were painted during the period of Isolation due to Covid. The project is quite extensive and includes graphic and acrylic paintings, a book and perhaps a music video together with a music group are planned.
3.) Art-Project “LIFE IS WONDERFUL” gives Time! This is an Art-Project containing 30 acrylic paintings and 11 letters. Each letter tells how to save time in order to have time for the Important Things. Participation in the Art-Project is Free .You only need to register on my site and you will receive the letters.
4.) Art-Project “ECOLOGY”. Tells about Planet Earth. These are Abstract Paintings about Water, Grass, Oil Spills, Magic of Nature. rt-Project is presented in a gallery in the Metaverse.
5.) Art-Project RETURN POINT is an Art-Project that includes Abstract Paintings about Our Essence, The Elements, Blood Connection, Past, Future. It includes a solo exhibition in Plovdiv, painting in front of an audience, a Charity Auction. I hope to be able to complete the project with a film about the events.
This is a larger part of my Rvorchestvo, but of course I have other paintings that are not part of these art projects
I hope this answers Marina Dimova’s question. Thanks for asking me, because it might be interesting for others.