Posted on: December 31, 2022 Posted by: admin Comments: 0
Diana Dimova – TRAXI 2022 year How it went and what it brought us

Diana Dimova – TRAXI 2022 year How it went and what it brought us After the fatigue of the covid horror in 2021 I was hoping for a good 2022 But it started with War! The horror of Covid has carried over to War and the fear and anxiety that comes with it. However, a person is a surviving creature and finds a way to forget, hide the horror from himself and live. I tried too.

During this year, I continued to mediate in real estate transactions in the ELEMENT agency

In this year, I started running Instagram, Tik-Tok, Twitter, Pinterest In this year I became a member of the International Art Club "ASM-club"

ASM International club

In this year, I opened my art company TRAXI ART LTD During this year, I felt the happiness of a wonderful person falling in love with my painting and buying it

This year I participated in 24 international art competitions This year I participated in 28 International Exhibitions In this year, I started a collaboration with Art Show International Gallery, with the help of which I made my first solo exhibition:

Diana Dimova-TRAXI Art Project "Life is Wonderful!"

This year, I created and shaped the Art Project "Life is Wonderful!"

In that year I had an interview in newsmaker. Bg

During this year, I had one wish - for PEACE. There are only a few hours left until the next 2023, and may this be the year in which the War ends. And may we all have the little things that make Life Wonderful - Health, happiness, love and inspiration! I wish you all - a lot, a lot, a lot of health, love, happiness and above all PEACE. May everything we go through help us learn to appreciate life, to appreciate beauty, smiles, knowledge and above all to respect what we have before we lose it... Because Life is Wonderful!

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