Hello Friends,
Today is April 1st, the Day of Lies.
On this occasion in the rubric “DESTINATIONS” I want to tell you about a Bulgarian village with a bizarre name.
The village with the current name Torbalies is located in the middle of the road Gabrovo – Tryavna.
The population of the village of Torbalies numbered 136 people at the 1934 census and decreased to 6 in 1992. In 2019 there are 13 people.
Legend has it that
In the past, the road leading to the villages of Zhaltesh and Gabrovo was very steep. The villagers traveled in ox carts. To pull the cattle better, they hung an empty bag on the homut in front. In an effort to stick their head in the bag to eat, the animals pulled the car tightly. Hence the tale of the bag full of lies.
In the past, a week before Easter, in the village of Torbalies was held an annual gathering called Lazaritsa.
Merchants from all over the region stretched stalls on the meadows above the village, and people from neighboring settlements danced horo.
Today there is a hotel where you could relax and laugh at the whimsical name, and then brag that you were in
I wish you a wonderful first day of April, lots of sun, laughter, and happiness!