ORIGINAL PAINTINGSORIGINAL AUTHOR‘S PAINTINGS Buying an original work of Art is like Love – The feeling is Real! It starts with falling in love, wants commitment, and brings happiness for life! Life is Wonderful!
DIGITALDIGITAL The fastest way to have a painting on your wall. Buy, download, print, and you’re done! You forgot a friend’s birthday – no big deal – there is Digital… Life is wonderful!
WALL ART PRINTSWALL ART PRINT Buying an original is difficult and expensive, but having a bear painting on your wall is easy and affordable – buy a Print! Life is Wonderful!
HOME DECORDESIGN FOR HOME Do you have Art in your blood? Dress up your home in Art and live Happily! Life is Wonderful!
ART FASHIONART FASHION Can Art enter the wardrobe? Why not – just look and choose … Life is Wonderful!
Purple Abstract original painting Aroma of Lavender
Abstract acrylic painting
The aroma of Lavender from Bulgarian fields …it is Magic… This picture carries fragrance and power. It is good to be presented alone on a wall in a quiet and spacious room and anyone who looks at it will feel the aroma of Lavender in the room …
The painting won HONORABLE MENTION AWARD in ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY’s most recent art competition “7th ABSTRACT.” International Juried Art Competition NOVEMBER 2022
Painting is a Part of my Art Project “Life is Wonderful!” in which I give Time.
I am Diana Dimova-TRAXI. I love painting movement and light! Life is Wonderful!